Friday, November 1, 2019

He Says My Name

I don't really have a clever quote or inspirational scripture with which to start things out this time. I tend to be a "go with the flow" type writer, but I feel like I have even less to work with this time. Therefore, this will probably be a shorter post than usual, but it is something that I have been doing a lot of thinking and study on lately.

One of my favorite characters in the Bible (besides Jesus, of course) is Peter. Peter who denied Jesus three times, Peter. After Jesus had risen, Peter was allowed three times to redeem himself and prove his love for the Lord. Peter was also among the first to see the risen Savior. I believe Jesus specifically called Peter by name to ordinate this.

I identify with Peter so much. His love for his Lord was sincere, but he denied Jesus to protect himself. I love Jesus wholeheartedly, and I like to think that if I was told to deny Christ or be killed, that I would stand strong and die for the faith, but that promise is really difficult to make unless I am actually in that situation. Regardless, God knows my heart, and he says my name. That's grace.

Honestly, Why?

Honestly, I don't know what else to say. Honestly, I don't know what else to pray. Are my prayers falling on deaf ears? I have said ...